Conditionals and Loops#

Topics covered#

  • Boolean operations

  • Conditional logic

  • Introduction to loops

Boolean Operators#

  • We have seen that Python has a type bool that can take two values True or False

  • Boolean operators return True and False (or yes/no) answers





a == b

a equal to b

a != b

a not equal to b

a < b

a less than b

a > b

a greater than b

a <= b

a less than or equal to b

a >= b

a greater than or equal to b

  • Tip: Remember that the = operator is for assignment

  • use == when you want to compare equality

age = 25
print(age < 40)
print(age >= 40)
print(age == 25)

Conditional Logic#

  • Most code makes extensive use of if then statements

  • This makes use of the if, elif, and else keywords

if <Boolean Operation 1>:
    do something
elif <Boolean Operation 2>:
    do something different
    take default action

Example 1:

  • Is the number less than 2?

number = 5

if number > 2:
    print("Number > 2!")
    print("Number <=2")
Number > 2!

Python whitespace#

  • The indenting in the previous example is mandatory in Python

  • If you do not indent your if then statements then Python will throw an IndentationError exception

number = 1
if number > 2:
print("Number > 2!")
print("Number <=2")
  Cell In[3], line 3
    print("Number > 2!")
IndentationError: expected an indented block after 'if' statement on line 2
  • A more complex if then

lower_limit = 10
upper_limit = 15

number_to_check = 12

if number_to_check >= lower_limit and number_to_check <= upper_limit:
    print('number is inside range')
    print('number is outside of range')
number is inside range
  • An example using elif

age = 32
pensionable_age = 68

if age < 0:
    print('Error. Please enter an age greater than zero')
elif age < pensionable_age:
    years_to_pension = pensionable_age - age
    print(f'There are {years_to_pension} years until you can draw your pension!')
    print('You are eligible to draw your_pension') 
There are 36 years until you can draw your pension!

Functions and if statements#

  • we could also use a function within an if statement

def eligible_for_pension(age):
    Return boolean True or False to indicate if
    person is eligible for their pension
    age: int
        a persons age in integer years (e.g. 32 or 45)
    return age >= 68    
age = 68

if eligible_for_pension(age):
    print('Congratulations you can retire!')
    print('You are not yet eligible for your pension')
Congratulations you can retire!
  • We can also use the not operator in Python

age = 68

if not eligible_for_pension(age):
    print('You are not yet eligible for your pension')
    print('Congratulations you can retire!')
Congratulations you can retire!

Nested if statements#

def stamp_duty(house_price, first_time_buyer):
    First time buyers recieve more tax relief 
    than people buying their next home.
    Returns float representing the stamp duty owed.
    if first_time_buyer:
        #this if statement is nested within the first
        if house_price <= 300000:
            return 0.0
            return house_price * 0.05     
        if house_price < 125000:
            return 0.0
            return house_price * 0.05
my_first_house_price = 310_000
owed = stamp_duty(my_first_house_price, True)
print('stamp duty owed = £{0}'.format(owed))
stamp duty owed = £15500.0

Introduction to iterating over data using loops#

Algorithms often need to do the same thing again and again

For example, an algorithm making three servings of toast

Making Toast Algorithm:

  1. Put a slice of bread in the toaster

  2. Push lever down to turn on the toaster

  3. Remove the toasted bread from the toaster

  4. Put a slice of bread in the toaster

  5. Push lever down to turn on the toaster

  6. Remove the toasted bread from the toaster

  7. Put a slice of bread in the toaster

  8. Push lever down to turn on the toaster

  9. Remove the toasted bread from the toaster

A better way to do this in code is to use a LOOP

Do the following 3 steps, 3 times:

  1. Put a slice of bread in the toaster

  2. Push lever down to turn on the toaster

  3. Remove the toasted bread from the toaster

  • There are two types of loop in Python

  • for loops and while loops

  • We generally use while if we do not know the number of iterations in advance

  • We generally use for if we know the number of iterations in advance

While loops#

age = 15

while age <= 18:
    print(f'you are currently {age} years old')
    age += 1
you are currently 15 years old
you are currently 16 years old
you are currently 17 years old
you are currently 18 years old

While Loop Structure#

  • All while loops have the same structure

  • You use the while keyword

  • Followed by a boolean operation (e.g. age <= 18)

  • Beware of infinite loops!

  • Let’s test a more complex while loop using a function

def fizzbuzz(n):
    For multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number 
    and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". 
    For numbers which are multiples of both three 
    and five print "FizzBuzz".
    n: int
        the number to test
    if n % 3 == 0 and n % 5 == 0:
    elif n % 3 == 0:
    elif n % 5 == 0:
n = 1
limit = 15

while n <= limit:
    n += 1
  • A while loop example where we do not know the number of iterations in advance.

list_to_search = ['we', 'are', 'the', 'knights', 'who', 'say', 'ni']
not_found = True
word_to_find = 'knights'
current_index = 0
index_of_word = -1

while not_found:
    if list_to_search[current_index] == word_to_find:
        not_found = False
        index_of_word = current_index
    current_index += 1

print(f"the word '{word_to_find}' is located in index {index_of_word}")
the word 'knights' is located in index 3
  • The previous example can easily lead to an IndexError.

  • If word_to_find was ‘shrubbery’ then the loop would exhaust all list elements

  • Although we do not know the number of iterations needed, we can easily modify the while loop to take account of the maximum allowable iterations.

list_to_search = ['we', 'are', 'the', 'knights', 'who', 'say', 'ni']
not_found = True
word_to_find = 'shrubbery'
current_index = 0 
index_of_word = -1
word_count = len(list_to_search)

while not_found and current_index < word_count:
    if list_to_search[current_index] == word_to_find:
        not_found = False
        index_of_word = current_index
    current_index += 1

if not_found: 
    print(f"'{word_to_find}' could not be found")
    print(f"'{word_to_find}' is located in index {index_of_world}")
'shrubbery' could not be found

For loops#

  • To create a for loop you need the following:

  • for keyword

  • a variable

  • the in keyword

  • the range() function - which is a built-in function in the Python library to create a sequence of numbers

for age in range(5):
    print(f'you are currently {age} years old')
you are currently 0 years old
you are currently 1 years old
you are currently 2 years old
you are currently 3 years old
you are currently 4 years old
  • notice that the loop sets age to 0 initially!

  • range() takes keyword arguments to set the start (inclusive, default = 0), end (exclusive) and step

for age in range(1, 5):
    print(f'you are currently {age} years old')
you are currently 1 years old
you are currently 2 years old
you are currently 3 years old
you are currently 4 years old
for age in range(1, 5, 2):
    print(f'you are currently {age} years old')
you are currently 1 years old
you are currently 3 years old
limit = 15

for n in range(1, limit+1):

Watch out for python whitespace rules!#

  • Remember to indent the next line after :

limit = 15

for n in range(1, limit+1):
  File "<ipython-input-25-a9a12e790b42>", line 4
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Nested Loops#

  • for and while loops can be nested within each other.

  • Think of nested loops as a ‘loop of loops’

  • Remember that for each iteration outer loop will consist of multiple iterations of an inner loop

  • Don’t panic if you do not understand straight away!

for outer_index in range(3):
    print(f'Outer loop iteration: {outer_index}')
    for inner_index in range(5):
        print(f'\tInner loop iteration: {inner_index}')
Outer loop iteration: 0
	Inner loop iteration: 0
	Inner loop iteration: 1
	Inner loop iteration: 2
	Inner loop iteration: 3
	Inner loop iteration: 4
Outer loop iteration: 1
	Inner loop iteration: 0
	Inner loop iteration: 1
	Inner loop iteration: 2
	Inner loop iteration: 3
	Inner loop iteration: 4
Outer loop iteration: 2
	Inner loop iteration: 0
	Inner loop iteration: 1
	Inner loop iteration: 2
	Inner loop iteration: 3
	Inner loop iteration: 4
  • Example 2: The inner loop now iteratures backwards

for outer_index in range(2):
    print(f'Outer loop iteration: {outer_index}')
    for inner_index in range(5, 0, -1):
        print(f'\tInner loop iteration: {inner_index}')
Outer loop iteration: 0
	Inner loop iteration: 5
	Inner loop iteration: 4
	Inner loop iteration: 3
	Inner loop iteration: 2
	Inner loop iteration: 1
Outer loop iteration: 1
	Inner loop iteration: 5
	Inner loop iteration: 4
	Inner loop iteration: 3
	Inner loop iteration: 2
	Inner loop iteration: 1

Nested Loops Example 2.

  • Let’s use a nested for loop to create the pattern below

for outer_index in range(1, 6):
    #remember this is a loop of loops. 
    #the loop below execute all iterations each 
    # time the outer loop iterates
    for inner_index in range(1, outer_index + 1):
        #we use the end='' option of print so 
        #that it prints on the same line as previous
        print(inner_index, end='')
    #new line
