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import numpy as np
import math
Case study 2: prime sieve#
This chapter opened by exploring the importance of good algorithm and code design. We spent a fair bit of time redesigning and micro-optimising a function in standard python that implemented a prime sieve. For large n, for example greater than 10 million, the function prime_sieve_best
was our fastest option.
def prime_sieve_best(n):
Our fastest prime sieve in standard python
Fastest for large n e.g. > 10m.
candidates = bytearray(b"\x01") * (n + 1)
candidates[0] = 0
candidates[1] = 0
limit = int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1
for i in range(2, limit):
if candidates[i]:
candidates[i+i::i] = [0] * ((n - i) // i)
return [i for i in range(n+1) if candidates[i]]
The function prime_sieve_np
again reimplements the algorithm, but this time using numpy
optimised arrays and functions.
def prime_sieve_np(n):
Prime sieve reimplemented in NumPy.
candidates = np.ones(n, dtype=bool)
limit = int(np.sqrt(n)) + 1
candidates[0:2] = False
for i in range(2, limit):
if candidates[i]:
candidates[i+i::i] = False
return np.flatnonzero(candidates)
You should see a reasonable speed up, for free, using numpy
. Let’s compare it for an even larger n.
HUNDRED_MILLION = 100_000_000
%timeit len(prime_sieve_best(HUNDRED_MILLION))
5.65 s ± 327 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit len(prime_sieve_np(HUNDRED_MILLION))
1.04 s ± 26.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
That’s should provide around a factor of 10 speed up. On my machine runtime dropped from around 1 seconds on average to 1.1 seconds on average.
This is also a nice example where, in my opinion, the numpy code is more readable than the standard python. This is partly because numpy
broadcasting means we can the elements in a slice cleanly. i.e.
candidates[i+i::i] = False
verus standard python
candidates[i+i::i] = [0] * ((n - i) // i)