Basic Object Orientated Methods

Basic Object Orientated Methods#

Follow these simple OOP exercises to practice and gain confidence in coding classes.

Exercise 1#


  • Create a class called Patient.

  • The class should contain a constructor that accepts the following parameters. The parameters should be stored in appropriately named attributes.

    • patient_id: int

    • age: int


  • Don’t forget to include the self parameter!

  • Make sure you use correct case for the class name. Patient follows PEP8 guidelines while patient does not!

# your code here ...

Exercise 2:#


  • Create a class called Ward

  • Code a constructor method.

    • It should accept ward_id (int) as parameter and assign it to an attribute

    • It should create a new empty list attribute that will hold patients staying on the ward.

  • Create a method called add_patient. It should accept a parameter called patient (that is a patient class).

  • Create a method or property called n_patients. It should return the number of patients on the ward.


  • Don’t forget the self parameter in the method!

# your code here ...

Exercise 3:#

You will now test the Ward class by generating a number of patients and adding them to a ward object.


  • Code a function that first creates a Ward object and then adds a user specified number of Patient instances via the add_patient function.

  • The function must return the ward object.

  • Test your function with 5 patients.


  • You will need to design the function so that it allocates a patient an age. One option is to randomly generate an age in a given range. You could achieve this using the random.randint() function. E.g.

from random import randint
lower, upper = 60, 95
age = randint(lower, upper)

# your code here ...

Exercise 4:#


  • Now create a Hospital class

  • The class should allow the creation of new wards as well as adding a patient to a user specified ward.

  • The class must provide a n_patients method or property that returns the uptodate total of patients in the hospital.

  • Create some test data and create a Hospital object. Return the total number of patients in the hospital.

# your code here ...

Exercise 5#


Let’s create a new type of patient specific to those with respiratory conditions.

The new class will also accept patient_id and age. You will need to create two new parameters as well: pack_yrs and fev1. Fyi:

  • A pack year is defined as twenty cigarettes smoked everyday for one year

  • FEV1 stands for Forced Expiratory Volumne and is a percentage measured out of 100%. Lower values are worse.

Call the class RespiratoryPatient


  • You can solve this exercise by either using inheritance or composition. Compositin is a bit harder (and more code), but its more flexible and safer in practice.

# your code here ...